Title: Freed (Dark Love Duet #2)
Author:  Shanjida Nusrath Ali
Genre: Dark Romance, Suspense
Release Date: December 15, 2019

When you see a ray of light in the darkness, not only does it gives you hope but it also shows a ray of new life.
But what if that very small ray is another path to darkness?
Herold was the light in my dark life, but after losing him I'm engulfed by darkness all over again.

His death destroyed me. I left all my dreams, my friends and my life for him. No matter how hard I tried to move on he still lived in my memories.

But meeting Alex was something I never expected. He came as a tenant in my house but yet whenever I was with him
I felt this familiar pull towards him. It was like I have known him for a long time.

But things took great turns between us. He made me laugh. He made me alive. He even made me fall in love again.

But not everything lasts forever. Soon all this happiness wrecked my life like a hurricane when the truth came into light.

I was destroyed again when reality hit me. Everything that I have been through, everything I have felt...it was all a lie.
I lost belief in love and trust.

But what do you do when you have become so connected with the darkness that the ray of light you always looked for now scares you?
When this very light endangers everyone you love?

I should have never walked through this path of dark love knowing I will be destroyed again. But in the end, somehow this dark love freed me.

Author Bio

Shanjida Nusrath Ali is a student by day and an aspiring independent author by night. Known for her debut dark romance, Destroyed (Dark Love Duet #1), she loves to write about characters going through a dark and rough path to love with consequences at every turn and come out stronger in time. Her characters and story mostly focus on society and physical abuse, showing a heartbreaking journey for her characters.

Shanjida was born in Dhaka, Bangladesh but was raised in Sylhet living with her over 20-ish family members. She, later on, she moved to Dhaka city for her education living in an apartment with her mom and brother, while her dad worked day and night on his family business back in Sylhet. She is now studying English Language and Art while continuing her passion for writing. Being inspired by Anna Todd's ''After'' series she started her writing journey on wattpad. With the increasing love and support, she moved towards a bigger platform by publishing her first debut novel of Dark Love Series, Destroyed, in July 2019.

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