Title: Genius
Author: Julie Capulet
Genre: Romance, Contemporary, Cowboy, Billionaire
Publication date: 22 October 2019
Ebook: 331 pages
My Rating: ★★★

Will Finn is a rodeo hero from Montana with a secret talent.
Will's two other, not-so-secret talents include riding bulls and providing select women of Bozeman with the kind of erotic pleasure that has made him a legend. After getting thrown and trampled by a rampaging bull six months ago, he just made his comeback in the ring. But out of it ... he seems distracted.
Ella Parker is an art curator from New York City who's on a mission. When work takes her to Bozeman for an exhibition, she stumbles across a discovery that has the potential to change her life.
As their paths collide, Ella and Will find that each has something the other wants. But neither is about to give in easily, especially when sparks begin not just to fly but to ignite them both in ways they never even imagined ...

Genius was such a fun and heartwarming love story. A quick read I absolutely enjoyed until the last page. I like romances with a broody, stubborn, alpha protagonist and a sassy, restless and headstrong heroine. Put these characters in a wild-west environment with cowboys and bull riding and the book is definitely gonna be a winner for me.

Will Finn is a rodeo cowboy. He and his 4 brothers own a ranch and continue the family business, training horses and trading cattle. Will's life is turned upside down when he has an accident at one of the rodeo shows, a bull stomping him and putting him in the hospital with broken ribs and a head injury. After this traumatic event something changes deep within him, he finds joy in doing something else besides riding bulls and doing ranch work. He has a secret his not willing to share with his brothers or anyone else until Ella comes into the picture and turns his world upside down. The sassy art curator is determined to change his mind regarding the secret he wants to keep locked up, and won't leave him alone until she tries everything she can to change his mind. Because she needs his help as much as Will needs hers even if he doesn't think so at first.

“The girl just walked out of my wildest fantasies and into my life.”

The attraction between Will and Ella is instant. From the first time they lay eyes on each other, there's a strong pull between them. It starts as a feral attraction but rapidly develops into something more. I loved their banter, the push and pull, the way Will tries to be all cool and indifferent towards her but deep inside all, he wants is to lock her up in his loft and never let her go. His inner turmoil was heartbreaking at one point, and Ella was the perfect balm for his bleeding heart. She is sweet and caring towards him even when he is a stubborn "beefcake". I liked her determination and the fact that even in the most vulnerable moments she managed to keep a leveled head.

The story is told in dual POV which I really enjoyed. The writing style was fun, entertaining and easy to follow. The action was fast-paced and straight forward. I liked the built-up tension between Will and Ella at the beginning. It made their interactions so much more intense (the sexy scenes were extremely hot). Also, the secondary characters were well presented and relatable, and I really hope we get to see more of Will's hunky brothers in future books. The book ends with an HEA and the two epilogues were perfect to conclude this lovely story.

I highly recommend this book if insta-lust/love reads with protective, obsessive, OTT alpha protagonist is your jam.

* I voluntarily reviewed this book after receiving a free copy on HiddenGemsBooks. All thoughts and opinions are my own. *