Title: Forgive Us Our Trespasses (Nasty Habits #2)
Author: Lily Miles
Genre: Romance, Contemporary, Forbidden Romance
Publisher: Written Warrior Press
Publication date: January 2020
Ebook: 324 pages
My Rating: ★★★★★
A strict, Catholic nunnery in the Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts.
Beautiful, virginal, and always mischievous Sister Monica lives a pure, contented life at the Convent of the Blessed Virgin. Besides her pranks, like the other nuns, she spends her time in holy contemplation.
But when smokin’ hot Brett arrives to help renovate the building, she gets the chance to contemplate something far more thrilling—naughty feelings of desire she’s never felt before.
Meanwhile, it’s iron-fisted Mother Superior Antonia’s duty to safeguard the purity of her young charges.
Will the reverend mother’s teachings be heeded, or will carpenter Brett teach Sister Monica a whole new way to handle wood?
Forgive Us Our Trespassed is the second stand-alone book in the Nasty Habits series. After reading Sweet Salvation I was eager to dive into this one and know more about the mischievous sister Monica. Yet again Lily Miles managed to captivate my attention with a sweet and heartwarming story.
Monica has always wanted to be a nun. Even though her family wasn't religious she has always felt drawn to the church. As a child, she attended Catholic school and at age eighteen she decided to dedicate her life to God and the best way to do it was to become a nun. Her faith is strong but life at the nunnery can be dull, and Monica manages to spice up the lives of the sisters by doing pranks and riling up Mother Reverend Antonia, even if that earns her severe punishments. There is mischief in her heart and maybe something else too, a yearning for more that lied dormant for years since she has become a nun. Things change when she meets Brett, the young apprentice carpenter who helps with the nunnery renovations. He awakens new feelings in Monica's heart and a curiosity that makes her question if living as a nun is her true calling.
I loved the protagonists, Monica and Brett were perfect for each other. Monica is such a sweet and innocent girl, with a quirky personality. She brightens up the place wherever she is and even though her nun sisters might be annoyed by her pranks, they're also very protective of each other. Brett is hardworking and kind and treats Monica with all the respect she deserves as a woman of God. Their chemistry is strong from the beginning, and he tries to fight it knowing it's not appropriate to feel desire for the redhaired nun but with each interaction and conversation, he starts falling in love with Monica and her effervescent personality. Their relationship starts out slow but it's well worth it because, in the end, they are explosive together.
"If this is sin, then I don't want to be saved."
I also enjoyed the secondary characters. Seeing sister Catherine again was a delight and the new arrival at the nunnery, sister Summer definitely intrigued me. We got to know a bit more about Mother Antonia as well, her inner struggles made me see her with different eyes.
The story is told from dual POV, interlaced with third-person narrated chapters and I found that this writing style works perfectly for these stories. The plot was well developed, with both angsty and funny moments. The action was fairly paced, peppered with drama, steamy scenes, and intrigue. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I'm looking forward to reading the next installment in the series.