Title: The Sacrifice
Series: Seven Sins MC
Author: Jessica Gadziala
Genre: Paranormal MC Romance
Release Date: November 9, 2020

There was one in each generation.
Destined to leave their home, their coven, their way of life.
To fulfill the age-old treaty with the demons.
A Sacrifice.

We spoke of their fates in hushed whispers around open fires like ghost stories, conjuring tales, each more horrifying than the last.
I never thought I would become her.
The Sacrifice.

Ripped from everything I had known, thrown into a dark and uncertain world, my life in the hands of its purest evil.
Nothing could have prepared me for the truth.
Or the growing warmth I felt toward one of my captors.

But the questions remained:
What did they want from me?
What would happen to me once they took it?
What price was I willing to pay?
And what would I be willing to sacrifice to hold onto a love I never saw coming?

The Sacrifice was something spoken of in whispers, lips quivering behind closed doors.

It was the phrase thrown at children to secure good behaviour.

Do your studies; You don’t want to become The Sacrifice, do you?

Watch your tongue; I don’t want you to be the next Sacrifice.

Unfortunately for my mother—and, as it turned out, myself—I had always been a headstrong child. I was a girl with far too many opinions, and far too few inhibitions. I was always running when told to walk, singing when I was told to be silent, proud when I was told to be humble. 

See, The Sacrifice was both a verb and a noun.

An action.

And a person.

In this generation, that person was me.

Rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Witches, demons, shifters and motorcycle clubs... Did I get your attention yet? The Sacrifice was such an interesting read. This is the first PRN romance I've picked up by Jessica Gadziala and it impressed me. I loved the writing style, the dark atmosphere and the wonderfully crafted characters.

The mystery behind the MC's necessity to use the witch's power was quite intriguing, and the plotline was suspenseful enough to keep me invested in the story until the end. The world-building was interesting, the banter and chemistry between the protagonists were amazing and all the secondary characters were brilliantly presented.

Lycus and Lenore have this insane chemistry. She's been living with her coven all her life, sheltered from the ugly world around them. Her beauty and her innocent and curious nature make her irresistible to Lycus. He's a demon in human flesh,  tall, dark, and an extremely handsome alpha male that you wouldn't dare defy, but when he is near Lenore, he shows his softer side and that was heartwarming. The push and pull between the two of them, the constant banter, the sweet moments and the steamy encounters, made this story a real treat. Definitely a must-read for everyone who enjoys PRN romance.

Jessica Gadziala is a full-time writer, parrot enthusiast, and coffee drinker who has an unhealthy obsession with acquiring houseplants. She enjoys short rides to the book store, sad songs, and cold weather. She lives in New Jersey with her parrots, dogs, and a whole flock of chickens.